A review by byrenical
Discourse on Method by René Descartes



You’re probably best off googling “I think, therefore I am” and reading a paragraph summary of it and you will save some time. Descartes makes a point of mentioning years of travels (I would have preferred to read about that) and then comes to the conclusion “I think therefore I am”. It may have been while he was on the toilet, we will never know. He then proceeds to dazzle us with his knowledge about the heart and the ventricles for way too long, which then quickly results in proof of God and also something that proves that our souls are immortal. I may have missed a spot while dazzled as I seemed to have missed the proof. I think, therefore, he may have been scared to not praise and prove God over the likely instance of him getting killed had he not. So I will give an extra star for his cowardice, but I will take it off again as he is French and that makes it cliché. 

Overall 1.5 / 5 stars 
As the last fifth of the book has him slyly throwing shade at religious zealousness and telling his potential future detractors “come at me bro!”