A review by veriditas
The Monk Who Vanished by Peter Tremayne


I'll leave this as a review for all Sister Fidelma books.

A Sister Fidelma Drinking Game.

Take a shot every time:
- The murder turns out to be a matter of national security
- Sister Fidelma gets into a pissing contest (actually, take a *sip* every time this happens unless you're using these books to commit suicide by alcohol poisoning)
- The narrator remarks that Sister Fidelma NEVER gets into pissing contests
- Sister Fidelma is informed that an obviously incorrect solution is obviously correct
- Aedulf zigzags between comic relief and deus ex machina (another shot if the narrator remarks on the inconsistency)
- Someone yells during the obligatory court room tell-all scene at the end
- There is a long period of clunky exposition delivered by characters who are telling each other what they already know (one extra shot if one of the people expresses impatience at being told what they know, two extra shots if the words "as you know" appear)
- A classic source is quoted in both the original and in English translation in the same paragraph (another shot if someone says something like "I know how much you like quoting Latin, SISTER")

I also suspect Tremayne is significantly exaggerating the basic goodness/decency/equality/tolerance etc of Irish society at the time, or at least viewing what information we do have through rose-tinted lenses, but I still like Sister Fidelma in all her 90s grrlpower informed-flawlessness. I'm reading the entire series the way I'd binge NCIS or another procedural show.

For those who dislike the Gaelic names and terminology and wonder about the pronunciation, a significant part of the series is included with Audible Plus.