A review by sumayyaha
Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor


In all fairness I went into this book not expecting much. It seemed like your typical fantasy romance novel adored by your average teen girl. And, well, I wasn't wrong. The romance felt thin. What I mean by that is it was there, all the love and adoration, the attraction all of it but there was no rhyme of reason. No attractive quality was even there besides a poignant sexual attraction. Even when it was explained later I felt the same, that it was just there, not really to be questioned. The character's ambitions so to speak were too valiant and chivalrous for my taste, especially since nothing actually happened with them. Although I will give it that since it's only the first book more can be expected in the later novels. Anyway, I suppose I like my characters to have more complexity instead of throwing fancy words at the reader to make it seem like it is so. Their personalities and ambitions fell flat, as it has been done many times before and this was not much different. Two star crossed lovers fall in love and against all odds they want to restore peace. If I had known that I wouldn't have picked it up. Oh well, you get what you came for. I will say this though, it is a great time passer especially since there is so much drama and things happen left and right after the first 1/4 of it I'd say. I definitely feel like the main characters come from some 2013 emo movie though.