A review by anautummbison
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes


I first read this book in middle or high school and it deeply affected me. I vividly remember how much it made me cry.

Without any plans to re-read this book, I saw it in a display at my local library for the reading challenge I'm participating in. I couldn't help but grab it.

Even though I knew what was coming and remembered a surprising amount of the book, I found that it all hit me very differently as both an adult and a parent. I both understand Charlie's trauma/trauma responses better and am even more angry at how no one truly protected him as a child. It's also hard to see the ableism and prejudice in this book, knowing how long ago it was written, and still seeing similar attitudes and mistreatment of people with disabilities in my day to day life.

It can be hard to read. This book pulls on my heartstrings in a very specific way that few books manage. I'm sure one day I will read it again.