A review by mikewhiteman
Apex Magazine Issue 97 by Jason Sizemore


Elena's Angel - Aimee Ogden *****
Really well done conceptualisation of the muse being an angel that attaches itself to an artist, ensuring their work is always genius and well-received but dictates their entire life. Touches on controlling, abusive relationships, depression as a muse and the idea that genius requires full commitment to the exclusion of everything else.

Black Hole Heart - KA Teryna ***
An old man sits in a diner and reminisces about his life, full of loss and regret. The second person narration and jumps in time make it a bit choppy but add some interest to a basic story.

Welcome To Astuna - Pip Coen **
A woman wakes up in a rehab hotel for people who have gambled their memories and lost them with 18 years of her life gone, then sets about working out what has happened. Wraps up quickly with a big reveal but not much impact.

Sundown - Tobias S Buckell ***
Western with insectile aliens possessing townsfolk and a US marshal hunting them. The fact he is black and joins up with alien-hunter Frederick Douglass adds a racial dynamic, in the reactions of the white characters but also in the mob activity of the possessed. Would like to see more of FD's alien hunting squad's adventures.

Mars Girls - Mary Turzillo *
Dull, clunky, full of awkward neologisms and future slang.