A review by rkking
A Night in Terror Tower by R.L. Stine


 I recently got a bit of the nostalgia bug when thinking back to the Goosebumps books I read as a kid. Goosebumps, and by extension the Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark series, definitely introduced me to the genre of horror. After Goosebumps I moved onto classics like Dracula and Jekyll/Hyde, then on to the gown up stuff throughout my life and to this day. Well, this nostalgia bug got me wanting to re-collect the original 62 run of Goosebumps books, and in their first run printings because of the amazing covers. Perhaps the best part of the series was the covers. Next up;
#27, A Night In Terror Tower

The Good:
Another one of those iconic covers, it's one of those handful you think of when remembering the Goosebumps series as a whole. I'm pretty sure this was the very first Goosebumps I had as a kind, but don't quote me on that.
The story is actually pretty clever, with a number of twists and turns.

The Great:
RL Stine does a great job of describing the surroundings of the different timelines. Also, although it's obvious from the get go to an older reader, I imagine kid readers would be surprised by the twist.

The Not So Great:
As iconic as this cover is, it actually is very misleading. There is a defined antagonist in this story, but it is not the guy you see on the cover. It's a bit of a bait and switch, as is the setting. Very little of the book actually takes place in the tower. The bulk of it it is London proper.

Still a fun entry in the Goosebumps line.
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