A review by ruth24
The Storm Sister by Lucinda Riley


I'm not typically a series reader, but I make exceptions for truly wonderful books - like these! Lucinda Riley does a great job of pulling you in immediately with her likable characters, mysterious plots, and seamless transitions from the past to the present.

The Storm Sister is the second in the series and is primarily about Ally, the second eldest sister of six (or is it seven?!) adoptive daughters. Like the first book, we follow Ally as she experiences loss, then embarks on an adventure to discover her true origins.

The mystery surrounding Pa Salt as a person and also his death, as well each sister's personal background makes it hard to put the book down. What's even harder is waiting to read the next books! Only four of the books are currently published, and I'm wait listed at the library for the third one.

If you're thinking of reading this book - just do it. You're welcome.