A review by collegecate
Dark of the Moon by P.C. Hodgell


First read in 2007, re-read April 2014

A friend I loaned this to said he much preferred the first book to this one, and I agree but I still like this one. There's more detail than plot, but they're important details and we still get to see Jame in her "wild" persona before the constraints of her society take hold in later books (or try to).

I am reminded, as I was when I reread [b:The Blue Sword|407813|The Blue Sword (Damar, #2)|Robin McKinley|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1286927812s/407813.jpg|2321296] recently, how this book influenced my conception of the female hero. Granted, I was an adult when I first read these, but some of my ideas were still forming and I think the idea of a dancing warrior hero came from this book.