A review by penguininabluebox
Black Panther: Secret Invasion by Jason Aaron, Jefte Palo


Black Panther Vol. 1: Secret Invasion was my first ever Black Panther comic. I really enjoyed this persona in the Captain America: Civil War movie and seeing as I’m really excited for him to get his own upcoming movie, I wanted to familiarize myself a little more with the character. I found this comic on sale on Comixology, and while it did take me a while to finally get to it, I ended up really, really liking it (and finding it MUCH too short, haha).

The story is about Wakanda, the country Black Panther is the king of, being invaded by an alien race (which, based on the references throughout the comic, seems to be a thing that happens on the regular, or at least more than once). Black Panther and his wife Storm have to go through a lot to safe their country and their people and that’s essentially the plot of this comic.

I really liked the story. It was super fast paced and action packed, and I found it very entertaining to read and easy to follow, even as someone who had never read any Black Panther comic before. It felt like I had a good knowledge of whatever is essential when you read about Black Panther and it definitely left me wanting to read more about him and Storm. I also really liked their relationship and the twists and turns the story took.

What I didn’t like so much was the art style. On the one hand, if I had to describe it, I would describe it as typical superhero comic art. Usually, I quite like the typical comic book art, but for some reason, in this comic the art didn’t work for me 100%. Especially the people felt too simply drawn for my own liking, but I’m quite sure that is just a personal thing (as is with all the art in comics and graphic novels, really). I also wasn’t a fan of the colouring, the colours just weren’t my favourite, but again, that’s just personal preference and other people might love that.