A review by sixofwoes
Misfit in Love by S.K. Ali


“Mercy is love that lets us be, that grants us the serenity and refuge of true love.”


Misfit in Love picks up a few years after the events of Saints and Misfits, but can be read as a standalone. We are thrown into the wedding preparations of Janna’s brother as she tries to navigate love and family relationships.

It was really nice to follow along with Janna’s story again. Though she has matured since she was 15, she is still a flawed character, so it was great to see her grow throughout this book. She sometimes does things I never would, though. Seriously, I’ve never felt so much second-hand embarrassment reading a book before.

I appreciated that the author spoke about cultural prejudice and anti-Blackness in the Muslim and desi communities. It’s a lived reality for many people but something that’s not spoken about enough in media.

Now to talk about the love square - I loved Layth so much. Nuah and Haytham were sweet enough, but Layth stole the show. The ending wrapped up the book nicely but I would love to get another sequel about Janna and Layth.

Possibly my favourite part was the big wedding vibes. It made me nostalgic, even though I don’t love weddings much, but maybe that’s the pandemic speaking. It was relatable for me, still. And I adored reading the cameo of Adam and Zayneb! Here’s to hoping for more books in this universe.