A review by suspensethrill
Only Ever You by Rebecca Drake


Thank you Netgalley for my digital copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

This novel ratcheted my anxiety sky high, as I believe it was intended to. As a mother of littles, it was hard reading about a child being taken, not once, but twice in a 3 month period. This was not a pleasant read, but it was intriguing and the story grasped my attention throughout. There was no fluff here; just straight up tension and psychological thrills.

Sophia disappears at the park and after a group search and about 45 minutes, she returns appearing to be unharmed aside from a small spot on her skin that her mother, Jill, believes to be a pin prick from a needle, not a bug bite as the paramedics suggest. Life appears to go on as normal until 3 months later Sophia is taken from her bedroom, which threatens to not only end David and Jill's marriage, but puts Jill in suspicion of committing the crime. Jill decides to do whatever it takes to get her daughter back, no matter the cost.

Again, this read was intense and disturbing but gripping and fascinating. The story wasn't overly predictable but it wasn't uniquely memorable either. I think the only thing keeping this from a 5* read for me was that I didn't particularly like any of the characters. Everyone seemed selfish and a bit obnoxious which was slightly distracting from the story and prohibited me from really diving in fully. A great read that was fairly short at around 300 pages; I'd still recommend and am interested in checking out some of the author's other novels.