A review by sabregirl
Tighter by Adele Griffin


I'm not really sure how to talk about this book. It was a nice and interesting read. It kept me hooked throughout the novel and the ending was a big twist. But the ending was a bit of a problem with me. It seemed, not complete. After Jamie throws herself off the cliff it's all very quick to reveal what happened. That 'Milo' wasn't real, it was Jamie's dual personality that Isa happened to share as well. And that Jamie was just hallucinating Pete after all. I think that was the biggest disappointment in the book for me. I really enjoyed this book, don't get me wrong, but the ending I just felt fell flat and didn't seem to fit with the rest of the novel. The novel itself was wonderful. There were absolutely no hints what so ever (until the last twenty or so pages) about what was really going on and I liked that. I would've liked to have seen toward the end more about Isa, who could be suffering from the same thing that Jamie was diagnosed with at the end. Isa's story just seemed to end without a proper ending. Plus the tie in with Jessie and Pete didn't seem complete either with Jamie keeping the ring. There just seemed to be a big thing missing from this book that left me a bit empty on it.