A review by sixphanel
Recipe for Love: A Farm-To-Table Romance by Aurora Rey


I loved this book so much! Lots of tropes that I enjoy: Drew, the big city chef that arrives to a town and Hannah, the farmer who thinks she's looking down on them all because it's not New York. The chemistry between the main characters was great, and the secondary characters were charming (I loved Hannah's sister).
This was one of those books that where I love reading about the girls' jobs. The restaurant and the farm. Girl power! They know what the want and they get it by working hard. It's awesome and inspiring.
The drama that *has* to ensue was, well, not surprising (but it shouldn't be, we know from the start what it's going to be) and I love how it was dealt with.
So, fun read! It makes me want to go and grow some organic vegetables.

Via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.