A review by git_r_read
Evil Ways by Justin Gustainis


EVIL WAYS is a fab mixture of grim and humor, just the way I like my UF. A little snark, a lotta magical mayhem. And the good guys to step in and stomp on Evil after proving to the nonbelievers that Evil, magical Evil, exists and it needs eradicating.

I had a difficult time with an aspect of the story, the child mutilations and murders. It was handled as well as could be expected and I kind of skimmed those.

This is one of the best UF series out there. Justin Gustainis adds these neat little touches thoughout the book. Like the mention of Harry Dresden when Morris and Chastain reach Chicago as well as meeting in Mac's pub that Harry likes to frequent.

Or that news reporter in Chicago, Carl, is mentioned. A reporter who investigates supernatural stories when his boss isnt' sending him out to cover flower shows. Could this be Kolchak?

Black witch, Christine Abernathy, mentioned....she died of snake poison, but no snakes anywhere....from BLACK MAGIC WOMAN. *shudder*

I do love this series and can't wait to read the third, SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL. As well as really anything that Justin writes. http://www.justingustainis.com/ to keep up with his goin's on.

Five Evil stompin' beans.....