A review by ruth24
Puddin' by Julie Murphy


I listened to this on audiobook during my commute. Like [b:Dumplin'|18304322|Dumplin' (Dumplin' #1)|Julie Murphy|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1424189465l/18304322._SY75_.jpg|25795642], the story line is classic YA goodness with an overall message of self-love. An unlikely friendship grows between total opposites Millie and Callie. While Millie learns to stand up for herself to get what she wants (and deserves), Callie digs deep to shake off her defensiveness and reveal her soft and squishy insides. What makes this book great is the fat girl empowerment (riots not diets!), which is a welcome change. In Murphy's books, girls in all forms and varieties are lovable just as they are!