A review by queenie_ava
Powerless by Lauren Roberts


I liked and disliked this book all at once😭 I really really wanted to like this book, but it was rough to get through (keep in mind I am in a reading slump right now so i cant tell how much of my feelings are reading slump and how much are genuine πŸ§ŽπŸ½β€β™€οΈ). However, the tension between kai and pae was fun to read. Yet, i found myself bored at times and just not caring. I really enjoy the story overall and im really excited to see paeydn kill everyone. I know thats not gonna happen but still. I have very little attachment to kai at this point - kind of a kai dislikerr πŸ˜… - and Kitt too bro 🧐 Like both of em irritate me for some reason. Like the whole I love my father even though he abuses me and I choose to turn a blind eye to people dying at the cost of my father. Why do you have any empathy for a pitiful man, like who cares hes your only family?? You can hate your only family πŸ˜­βœ‹ so like if this turns into an everyone dies - except pae- type of series i dont know if I will be mad because fuck all of those elites for real πŸ˜‚ anyways i say this to say that im excited for book 2! The first book in alot of fanasty series tend to be hit or miss i find.. so like im not knocking this series just yet.  Im excited for more because I see the potential this series has. The wait to july has begun tho πŸ™‚β€β†•οΈπŸ«΅