A review by postitsandpens
A Girl Like That by Tanaz Bhathena


This is a truly phenomenal book. I want to state up front that it's not light reading - there are a lot of real issues brought up in this book, from familial abuse to sexual assault to rape - but I feel it's a book that needed to be written. I like that it's an Own Voices book, detailing life in a country we hear about (Saudi Arabia) but don't truly know. I like that there are racial/religious issues here that I personally don't face, although I know others in the US deal with them daily, as well as issues faced by teens today no matter where they're from. This story is told through alternating points of view, and it takes a while for the whole story to come out, but once it does it kind of sucker punches you. I think this is a story everyone should read!