A review by spinesinaline
Dead by Midnight by Carolyn G. Hart


I bought this one at a library book sale a couple years ago but finally had a chance to read it over the summer, and it was perfect for a beach read. It’s not the best writing and there are some annoying characters (and for some reason never-ending descriptions of cat posters?!) but it was still entertaining, if not predictable.

But back to the cat posters cuz these need a little more explanation: the MC’s mother-in-law has a new ‘thing’ – she finds images of cats online, pairs them with punny sayings, and prints them to be sold as posters (think ‘Can I Haz Cheezburger’ meme). What I don’t get about this (besides why we need to hear the description of these plot-irrelevant posters every single chapter) is that neither the photos nor the sayings are hers, which means she’s facing copyright issues by selling these. Someone just sign her up for a facebook page so she can reblog these memes and be done with it.