A review by ria_ray
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston




This book follows the FSOTUS (Alex) and the Prince of England (Henry). It has an enemies-to-lovers trope. Each main character seems to have a trio friend group that combines in the end. Alex-Nora-June and Henry-Pez-Bea.

Overall Review:

I loved how this book was easy to understand even with the political aspects, you can follow the relationship between all characters pretty well and nothing seemed to forced. The writing style was a bit hard for me to read but that is just a personal preference. If it weren't for how bad the time skips were, this would have gotten a better rating. Also, Zahra is my idol and I will not take any criticism of her.


I loved the friendly banter the main characters had, and it wasn't just between them. You could tell this is how they truly act because it flowed when talking to family and friends.

You could see how easy it was for everyone to connect and love each other, in most books everyone hated each other before clicking but in this book, they instantly clicked which is how friendgroups normally happen in real life. This provided a more realistic read for me.

The politics were really easy to understand and it doesn't take away from the book. Whenever politics did pop up you could tell where it left off. It didn't leave you in the dust.

Zahra was my favorite character in this book like yes you go girl.


This book put me in somewhat of a slump, it took me a little over a week to finish which is not that normal. I had to keep taking mental breaks to process what was going on.

There are major time skips left and right and I just couldn't keep up. It would be better if it had little indication of how far in advance the scene would be. There was only one instance of this and it was in the 15th and last chapter.

The characters could not keep their hands off each other. It was kinda annoying, it seemed like that was all of the romance they had for each other at the start of the book.