A review by namiraa
Fic: Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World by Anne Jamison


Yes and no. Thank you for your effort but, no thank you. I'm not big on writing very long, in-depth reviews so just a few thoughts; take it or leave it. The HP part was over so quickly. I was expecting a lot more elaboration on this subject given its immense online presence. Then she started praising the Twilight fan fiction and books.......YIKES. She completely lost me there. Clearly in favor of publishing fan fiction works as original, and although yes I have read some ff stories that are original enough that they completely deserve to be published as original work (i.e. Turn by Sara's Girl), I got the feeling that she's just pro things like City of Bones (Draco Trilogy anyone?) and, good GOD, 50 Shades of Grey being published. Do NOT even get me started on that disaster of a book...just...no. I must admit after a while I found myself flipping pages and not really reading it so I can't say I read all of it. I suppose I read enough to know that it wasn't my cup of tea. I don't think she has spent enough time in fan fiction at all to really know what she's on about. All in all...I was expecting a lot more from this book. I like that she touches on slash a bit but...*sigh* she got so much wrong. As a slash reader myself, I feel that it fell short. Big time. Also...self-identified men? B**** please. Perhaps I was expecting too much from this book, it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't excellent either. There are MUCH better essays and podcasts online explaining and delving into the history of fan fiction than this and they're FREE. Long live net-neutrality and a "free" internet.