A review by jelundberg
Mynah #1 by Jennifer Anne Champion, Sharanya Pillai, Faraz Hussain, Daniel Soo, Yu-Mei Balasingamchow, Guo Leibing, Andrea Lim, Amanda Sarah Chin, Marie Ee, Wee Ling Soh, Ruby Thiagarajan, Karen Gwee, Kirti Upadhaya, Juria Toramae, Pooja Nansi, Claire Yip, Joshua Ip, Robert Zhao Renhui


A solid first issue from this new publication, definitely more hits than misses. My favourite pieces were the thoughtful look at race and identity in Singapore by Yu-Mei Balasingamchow, the investigation of the biodiversity of Singapore's coastlines by Juria Toramae, and the conversation between Pooja Nansi and Jennifer Anne Champion (and not just because they all happen to be my friends). Looking forward to issue #2.