A review by librarian_of_trantor
Light of Impossible Stars by Gareth L. Powell


I was recently disappointed by the third book of a trilogy [b:Noumenon Ultra|48929862|Noumenon Ultra (Noumenon #3)|Marina J. Lostetter|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1580195856l/48929862._SY75_.jpg|74331695]. Reading the first half of this book I was afraid that I was going to be let down again. The arc of some of the peripheral characters from the second book awkwardly continued the plot. A new major character comes out of nowhere. Human civilization is being destroyed, seemingly inevitably, by the White Fleet. But Powell really pulled it out in the end. He links the story back to its beginning with the House of Reclamation, with a masterful twist. The sentient ship Trouble Dog and their captain Sal Konstanz continue their personal development, and relationship in a logical and very satisfying way. The problem of the White Fleet is resolved as well with an unexpected twist. As I mentioned in previous review of this series Nod, of the alien engineer in Trouble Dog, is one of the best characters every. Their POV chapters are succinct meaningful observations of life. As Nod says "Philosophy is just engineering by another name". And we get to learn more about Nod's Druff species' history and civilization, which is fascinating and turns out to play a major role in the resolution of the plot. Overall a wonderful ending to this tale. And the suggestion of what happens next doesn't at all feel like Powell's working on a sequel. It's just a recognitions that the surviving characters' live will go on after the book ends.
Highly recommended.