A review by elizaunderlined
Canopy: Poems by Linda Gregerson

I really don't want to rate this because I feel like it would be unfair to the author. Simply put, I just didn't get a lot of this poetry. It was very dense and often alluded to (I think) specific situations that I did not have the context to decipher.

Mostly, I found myself confused both with the subject matter of a poem and with the lines themselves. There will always be some formatting issues when putting poetry to e-book format, but one of the sentences I read said:

"I left her to the daily harms I might have seen them coming some of them one of the worst in any case and then but that was different then the illness that had only left me bitten took her altogether in its jaws."

What the hell did I just read? This is of course ommitting the line breaks, but even with the breaks this makes no sense to me. There is no punctuation and it just seems like gibberish. But I'm hesitant to judge it because perhaps the poem got jumbled when being put into this format? Unsure if I am just stupid or if this collection sways back and forth between nonsensical and pretentious.

Perhaps I'll revisit this some day when I have more brain cells at my disposal.

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for the ARC of this book.