A review by cathepsut
Uncanny Magazine Issue 55: November/December 2023 by Monte Lin, Michael Damian Thomas, Lynne M. Thomas

challenging informative inspiring fast-paced


Very pretty cover!

- The Year Without Sunshine by Naomi Kritzer.
10883 WORDS ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️

First paragraph:
“During one of the much smaller disasters that preceded the really big disaster, I met a lot of my neighbors online. I can’t remember if we set up the WhatsApp group because of the pandemic or the civil disorder or both. My Minneapolis block had always been reasonably friendly—people would take their kids around on Halloween, and I knew the names of my next-door neighbors—but everyone on the WhatsApp group got closer.”

When the Internet goes down, the mobile phones stop working and the electricity starts to go periodically, the neighbourhood deals with it all step by step and together. It is never spelled out why there is a grey sky full of ash and little sunshine. Bizarrely, this story looks at the good in people during an end-of-modern-society scenario. A feel-good story that trusts in people caring for each other. Nice!

- We’re Looking for the Best by Cecil Castellucci
5939 WORDS 👻👻👻👻
A slightly unusual ghost story. Our MC probably just committed suicide—it‘s not spelled out. And she gets a new job… I liked it. I will look for other things by the author.

- A Piece of the Continent by Marissa Lingen
4492 WORDS ⚱️⚱️⚱️
“Ollie’s and my plan was simple enough: we were going to drive our grandfathers’ ashes to Alaska.”
Odd little ghost story. About family and friendship.

- The Pandemonium Waltz by Jeffrey Ford
4168 WORDS ⭐️⭐️
Fantastical story about couples waltzing. Not for me, couldn’t get into it.

- End of Play by Chelsea Sutton
4253 WORDS 👻👻
A tale about a failed love story, told by a playwright talking about her stage play and the dead actor still practicing for his role. Breaking the 4th wall. Odd. Too artistic for me.

- The Quiet of Drowning by Kel Coleman
5806 WORDS. Content Note: graphic self-harm, suicidal ideation, eating disorders.
Skipping this one because of the content note, really don‘t want to read that.

- Essay: Scalzi on Film: Speed Racer‘s Long Road
1987 WORDS 🚗🚗🚗🚗
I don‘t think I have ever watched this movie, I have to look for it. The best bit about this essay was Scalzi‘s author bio… 😂

Everything can be found here: https://www.uncannymagazine.com/issue...

Please follow the link and read the poetry as well. Interesting, but really hard to understand and rate.