A review by ir_sharp2
Herbert West: Reanimator by H.P. Lovecraft


Unfortunately the monthly publication format got to me. I have this thing about books being repetitive. Let's call it the Babysitters Club Effect. From someone who read gobs and gobs of those, I can tell you from experience that the first chapter is always the same introduction of characters and pertinent events leading to them becoming babysitters. Like I said, I read gobs and gobs of them. As a result, I am now near nauseated when a book starts repeating itself. I do understand why you would have to refresh people's memories a month after they read the last chapter as they would have in 1922. I get it, which makes it unfortunate that it still bugged me so much.
This was my first Lovecraft so if any of you know of anything by him that's NOT in monthly publication style, I'd be more than happy to try it. I did love his British Masterpiece Theater style voice in my head as I read. I just lost my connection with it when I noticed the repeat.