A review by thedreaminghare
The Things We Thought We Knew by Mahsuda Snaith


Picked this up at the library since it seemed like an unconventional mystery and got halfway through before I realized it was a DNF for me.⁣

I found Ravine so unlikeable. I understand that she's living with chronic pain which is extremely hard no matter the situation - however it doesn't excuse her utter selfishness and disregard for her mother in particular.⁣

The pace was slow and though the narrative style was interesting, it wasn't enough to hold my attention or make me want to find out what happened to Marianne and Jonathan during their childhood.⁣ The glimpses of the past were the most interesting part of the book, and every secondary character introduced was more compelling than the protagonist.

If you're looking for a slow paced mystery and don't mind a selfish protag and a narrative that bounces between past and present this may be for you.⁣

After half the book I just wasn't invested enough to continue.