A review by chocolatequeen
Doctor Who: I Am a Dalek by Gareth Roberts


Others have mentioned that this is one of the Quick Reads novels geared at reluctant readers. Those reluctant readers need a solid story to keep them hooked, and I Am A Dalek did not disappoint. The action moves quickly, the story is solid but not complex, and the character motivations are easy to understand.

From a Who point of view, I liked the idea of a Dalek Factor. It holds up under what we discover in "Asylum of the Daleks," about the Daleks being about to turn living flesh into Daleks.

The story continuity for Rose and the Doctor was there as well. Events in "Parting of the Ways" are referenced, which I did find interesting since she seemed to forget what happened when he took the time vortex out of her. Ah well, we'll say she's remembered--not a big deal.

Over all, if you're looking for a quick Doctor Who story that won't let you down as an adult fan, or that would get a younger fan reading, I recommend this book.