A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Withering Rose by Kaitlyn Davis


Requesting the Raven and the Dove on Netgalley was one of my best decisions ever. Not only because that book was amazing and I'm now counting down the days until the second book comes out. But mostly because I discovered Kaitlyn Davis as an author. She writes how I wanna write and therefore also how I wanna read. Every book I read by her so far had been such a joy, such perfectness and therefore I just couldn't start another book today. I had to read this one.

And once more I enjoyed the writing style so incredibly much. Davis writes from the heart. She doesn't focus on the action of the story, although it's there and there's totally something happening, but she focusses on the emotions of her characters. Every sentence breathes whatever emotion is rushing through the main character's veins and therefore I feel that same emotion rushing through mine. For me that's what reading is about, that's why I dive into stories. I want to feel something.

It also helps that both Cole and Omorose are amazing characters! They share a few traits with their fairytale counterparts, but they are mostly unique. I could especially identify myself with Omorose. How she has so much power and bravery flowing through her, but how somehow she freezes when other people are around. How she puts others before herself. And how she is willing to learn and grow and change her mind. But, although Cole is not my type, I really liked his character too! I loved how his upbringing and personality were connected. It was so easy to understand where he came from, why he acted the way he acted, why he was the way he was.

And last but not least, in an amazing and original way Davis turned the plot from Beauty and the Beast into a story that fitted her world and managed to show us more of it along the way. I had certain assumptions when going into the story and most of those were wrong. I loved how all the well known elements of the Beauty and the Beast story was there, but how they were not in your face or obvious, how they were twisted and used differently.

Aaaah! There are so many more things I wanna say! The relationship building is great, the pacing is perfect, the character growth is wonderful. I was crying a few times. AND THAT ENDING! IS IT NEXT WEEK ALREADY? I WANNA READ THE CINDERELLA ONE!