A review by freadomlibrary
The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson


This review was originally posted at https://freadomlibrary.wordpress.com/

Check out my series review here: https://freadomlibrary.wordpress.com/2017/03/24/series-review-fire-and-thorns-by-rae-carson/

Plot – 5 out of 5 stars
IT’S SO GOOD, GUYS! This was the epic finale to end all the finales for me. It was action packed, full of even more adventure and more travel. We see even more of the world and it continues to astound me how big this creation is. There’s politics, magic, religion and so much more romance that just made me ecstatic! There’s a war going on but it’s almost Cold, it deals with stealth and strategies first which was super interesting.

Writing Style – 4 out of 5 stars
The writing style is powerful and intense, it packs an emotional punch and took me through the wrenches haha. It’s detailed, descriptive yet simple. There’s drama, there’s entertainment and everything is intricately woven together. Though it has a medium pace, the writing flies by and the book can be easily finished in one sitting.

Characters – 5 out of 5 stars
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! These characters give me life and happiness more than the majority of the characters that I’ve encountered lately. They are all so amazing and beautiful and just so awesome!
Elisa is my Queen! I absolutely adore her. She’s confident and determined. She’s facing upheaval and mutiny within her advisors and she’s going into extreme enemy territory as well. She’s smart and strong and has such a resilient spirit. I liked being able to see much more of her compassionate side in this book. I consider her such a badass that even though that has a “tough only” connotation, it just reminds me of how complex she is as a character. She’s a defiant individual but also in tune with her emotions and her faith. She’s grown so much throughout the series that it’s kind of mind blowing. It makes me so proud of her which sounds kind of weird but that’s the kind of feeling she brings up in me.
Just like the side characters who are complex and intricate individuals. One of my favorite things about this series is the slow build of relationships. From friendships to romances to alliances, every thing is done with care and each one grows exponentially as the stories continue.

SpoilerThis series has officially become one of the favorites of all time. I was continually enamored with every page turned and every word read and I just want to spread the love forever!

I think this third book will go down as the most satisfying ending to a trilogy of all time for me! It was absolutely amazing and mind blowing! (Please tell me if I’ve said this before).

The plot is action packed. We follow Elisa, who must travel into enemy territory to save the man she loves. Along the way, she learns things about herself and her world that could change everything and she has to prepare to take back her throne. Poor girl has so much to do, but good thing she has help! I don’t think I had any concrete ideas on what I wanted this book to be or on how I wanted this book to go but I still feel like this book had everything I could’ve possibly wanted or needed. This book was full of non-stop action and twists and turns. Just when you think things are getting ready to wrap up, something happens that throws a wrench in their plans completely. There are so many precarious situations that the characters find themselves in that kept me engaged and totally on the edge of my seat. One of the things I wasn’t expecting was to have new characters introduced. Considering it’s the last book in the series, I didn’t think there was a chance to introduce a new character specially one to have to build to the standard of growth and community that the other characters have. But let me tell you, Ms. Carson managed to do it! There’s various new characters in this book that end up making a big splash in the plot and they definitely rose to the standard of complexity and growth of the characters that have been around from the beginning. The world the author has established continues to frow and expand which is freaking crazy in my opinion. We travel through snow capped mountains to the land of the Inviernos which was quite an experience. Not only do we see where they live, but we get to go deep into their culture and why they think the way they do and how both cultures and religions interconnect and have similar basis. That was really cool to read about and it makes the protagonist/antagonist relationship much more complex for us to read. Like I mentioned before, there’s so much character development in each book and this one is no different. When you reach the end, the… pride you feel to see this group of characters triumph is amazing. I want to talk a bit about the romance as well. It’s slow and kind of angsty but based on equality and both of them trying to respect the other and the things they love. IT’S BEAUTIFUL OKAY?! Read this book guys.

Elisa is now one of my favorite characters of all time. She’s right up there with my babe, Yelena friends. She’s fierce and smart and determined. She’s a badass because she recognizes when she needs help and when she needs to step up and take control of a situation. She realizes her full potential and what her destiny really is all about.

Now I’ll mention the side characters one final time. HECTOR IS EVERYTHING. He is my life and love, he has made it to the very small list of book boyfriends that I have because he is just that amazing. He’s caring, compassionate, protective and yet so much more. Mara also became one of my favorites characters in this series because of how great of a friend she is to Elisa. Their relationship is so sweet and genuine and they are so kind to each other that it made me super happy. This ending left me bittersweet, but only because I didn’t want it to end.

Overall, this is one of my new favorite series. Each book just got better and better. The characters grew by leaps and bounds in each and every book and the plot continued to get more exciting and entertaining. The writing style worked really well with the story and I just want everyone to read this series and love it and then tell me how much you love it. Please :). (Don’t tell me if you hate it.)