A review by kriff08
Angel & Faith: What You Want, Not What You Need by Rebekah Isaacs, Christos Gage, Joss Whedon


The wrap up volume to Angel and Faith season 9 made an already good season great. On the whole I'd recommend this season of Angel and Faith to any Buffy fan looking to get that Buffy fix and definitely to the Angel fans of the world. Season 10 dealt with Angel's quest to bring Giles back and had Faith dealing with troubled slayers (primarily Nadira, of whom I've grown oddly fond as she is very similar to troubled Faith of old). Angel and Faith are the perfect team, they work so well together and the writing totally brings their voices to the page. Isaacs does a phenomenal job with the artwork and as a whole everything works so good together. My only complaint is Angel's 'Twilight phase' which still makes little sense to me and even now is explained as making little sense, but I really can't pin the failings of the previous season on this at all. Sooooooo much better than Buffy season 8, I'm really looking forward to starting 10!