A review by raven_nivhaar
Hardwired by Lindsay Currie, Trisha Leaver


TW: suicide

Where do I begin...? This had such an interesting premise that it unfortunately did not live up to. I read up to page 100, then skimmed ahead. I was not impressed.

One of my major issues with this book was the misogyny that seemed endless. The writing was lackluster in places and was monotonous in others, and descriptions were lacking.

There was a whole chapter where attempts were being made to sway Lucas and Chris into returning to the facility where there wasn't a single mention of if they had taken shelter or not, before both boys curl up into sleeping bags and go to sleep. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WOODS. Now, perhaps I missed something but throughout that entire chapter, there wasn't a single mention of anything. It wasn't until the next chapter that I even realized that they were still just in a random clearing in the snowy woods.

In addition to that, there was no sense of urgency. There were several instances of sentences such as ["No," I screamed.] and ["Move," he yelled], the exact circumstances for these exact quotes would be spoilers, but just know that it should have elicited more urgency from both characters.

Overall, it's misogynistic, lackluster and just downright frustrating. Do yourself a favor and skip this one.