A review by beckymmoe
The Phoenix Candidate by Heidi Joy Tretheway


I literally could not stop reading this book. Thank goodness I had Friday off, because once I picked up my ereader that morning it wasn't getting turned off until I'd reached the end of the book. It. Was. A. Mazing.

(And now I have to wait for book 2 until APRIL.


But I digress...)

Grace Colton lost her husband and son to a mall shooting, so when she decided to enter politics (the the beginning of the book, she's a sophomore Congresswoman from Oregon) gun control became a major part of her platform, along with some environmental concerns. She's thrown herself into her causes and her work, but her personal life has pretty much been on hiatus.

Until she meets a guy in a bar...

And then her entire life gets a whole lot MORE.

The guy she had some crazy hot sex with? He's the political consultant for one of the Democrat contenders for the presidential nomination. The same contender who is considering Grace as his running mate...

But wait, there's actually TWO candidates looking seriously at Grace, and suddenly she's not sure who she can trust--including the guy she's having wild and secret sexytimes with and possibly falling for. Political intrigue and personal drama is everywhere, and public speaking, her former Kryptonite, is suddenly the least of her worries.

I loved Grace--she was so easy to identify with. She's strong, smart, and above all, human. Maybe she should have figured a few things out earlier than she does, but it's perfectly understandable why she doesn't. I cannot wait to read the next installment of her story.

And Jared? So frustratingly hot. You wanted Grace to be able to trust him, but should she, really?

God, I hope so.

April just can't come soon enough, and politics have never been so engrossing. Or sexy...

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.