A review by kit_moonstar
Necessary as Blood by Deborah Crombie


I think this might be my favorite book out of this series. Everything about it worked for me. This one was also Gemma centric, and everything plotwise really worked together well. There’s a lot going on in the book, but it all ties back to Gemma which helps. Besides Duncan’s murder case and Gemma’s concern about the murdered man’s daughter, there’s Gemma’s mom dealing with cancer and the fact that her family is being very demanding about her and Duncan’s upcoming wedding. Some of the tension from those plot threads were present in the earlier books, and in a lot of ways this feels like a columniation of a everything since Duncan and Gemma started seeing one another romantically. If this ended up being the last book in the series, it would have been an extremely satisfying one. However, there are another six books in the series to date, so now I suppose the question is will those six add to what has been built so far, or it is a series that goes on a little too long. But I’ve really enjoyed reading these so far, and this book has been a good capstone for the series. Five out of five stars.