A review by whimsicalmeerkat
Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia


Sooo...this book...yeah...

I was super excited about this book given how many of my friends adored it, but it really didn't do it for me. Maybe it was the affected narrator, since audio is apparently the only way I get to experience books these days. Perhaps it had something to do with the bullshit love at first sight thing. The fact that it begins with a guy who, for reasons inexplicable to all the gun nuts I asked as well as me, carries a snub-nosed 357 in an ankle holster. I mean, really?!

There were parts of the book I enjoyed and characters I liked, but overall this is a 2.5. The primary character is whiny and self-centered and, as I mentioned, is all "zomg I love her" in a way that went into creeper territory. I think that was what killed it for me. The badassery didn't come close to making up for the flat characters and repetition. Not to mention the recap as the guy realizes shit that should have dawned on him long before.

*sigh* I really wanted to love this. Maybe that's why I am so disappointed.

2.5/5.0 stars