A review by flaviathebibliophile
Wucaii by Pembroke Sinclair


I wasn't sure what to expect from this book when I was approached about it. The cover is definitely not one I would be drawn to in a bookstore. While I know that one should not judge a book by its cover, I think that I would actually be unlikely to even pick this book up in the store, much less flip it over and read the blurb. But since the ratings for this book are fairy decent on Goodreads, I agreed to read and review it.

My first impression when reading the first few pages was that the writing was alright, and that the story had potential. As I continued reading, I became more intrigued about how the story would wrap up, but found that the writing and plotline became more and more frustrating.

There was a lot of repetition, and there were also numerous contradictions. What I found to be the most frustrating was how characters would go back and forth about their decisions; particularly the main character, Aelana. She would constantly go off considering the pros and cons of things, for pages on end. And it became especially irritating, when she was considering the same issues over and over.

Another frustrating thing was how Aelana was portrayed as all powerful, and then weak at the same time. The author would switch between the two, depending on how she wanted the plot to go. I recall one page containing words similar to "she hated that he had overpowered her" and then the words "she was the most powerful and she was eternal." Note, those are not exact quotes, but I cannot be bothered to go and find the exact words.

Many of the characters would also realize things which did not make sense for them to realize. They would acquire knowledge, while it was not explained how they came to acquire it, and there were also numerous other aspects of this book which were never explained.

The reason why I gave this book two stars, in stead of one, is because I did like the idea behind the story and characters. I simply did not like the style in which the story was told.