A review by rach
Astronaut Academy: Re-Entry by Dave Roman


Another super-fun book. I once again really enjoyed how each little story, told from a different kid's perspective, interconnects to the next. This one especially felt interconnected, even more like we were seeing a complete story arc, just from different angles.

I liked this one even more than the first one, maybe because I know the characters better and appreciate seeing their deeper connections. This is such a great book for kids because it emphasizes the importance of forgiving people and being open with your heart, without being condescending and self-important about it. I love that Hakata and Thalia end up liking each other because they felt comfortable enough around each other to share their stories, and found a connection. I love that Tak, even though he was sad and jealous, because he liked Thalia first, found it in his heart to forgive them, because he appreciated their friendship. It was also nice to see that the "evil villain" birds didn't necessarily start out that way, and acted the way they did for a legitimate reason. Nothing is ever black and white, or all good or all evil. Also, those security bears were about the cutest thing ever. "So definitely BFF and not OTP?" Lol.

I just wish there were going to be more volumes of this, but I kinda got the feeling at the end that there wouldn't be. But I could be wrong! I hope I'm wrong! I'm gonna cross my fingers and go ask the internet. :)