A review by a_reader_obsessed
Breaking News by Ella Frank


3.5 Stars

This second installment starts where [b:Inside Affair|53341947|Inside Affair (Prime Time, #1)|Ella Frank|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1589207131l/53341947._SY75_.jpg|82012808] stops.

It’s all about hurt comfort, physical and psychological healing, and the burgeoning feelings between Sean and Xander.

Of course, it was quite lovely watching these two undergo various epiphanies, and the lust and emotions further deepen. Sean and Xander’s evolving relationship and smexy exploration is overall smooth sailing, but this ends on a light cliffie with a disappointing contrived conflict that won’t last and really, won’t test their bond.

Regardless, despite that one niggle, this was very sweet and yummy when it solely focused on their intimate development, and I’m looking forward to the conclusion!