A review by hank
Apex by Ramez Naam


Naam does a spectacular job of tension filled, epic endings. The pacing in this book, compared to Crux was much better. I was engaged the whole way.

I liked the issues Naam brought up although some of the situations were getting a bit far fetched. Although I think he belabored the Budhism aspect, I loved that part and was lost in the feelings of peace he so skillfully wrote about.

My first 5 star book in a while, loved the issues, loved the characters, loved the action and tension and
Spoiler I loved the almost happy ending. It seemed like Naam was set to wrap everything up tight but the epilogue left very believable pieces lying around. The was no happy, pink, unicorn world left behind but it was better and hopeful

I would say that although I really did like this book, I think I am done with this world. If he were to write another, I think I would skip it. The three novels explored what I wanted it to and left an ending that was satisfying.