A review by megbrod
Sweet Enemy by Heather Snow


I enjoyed this book quite a bit. It was really sweet but there were enough serious elements to keep it from being painfully so. Liliana was a delightfully capable heroine and goes after what she's looking for, even when the different things she wants start conflicting. My only issue with her was how guilty she felt about how she went about certain things that I did not think were as bad as she made them out to be. It wasn't too bad, there were just moments where I wanted to be all "you don't need to feel guilty about THAT! It was completely justifiable at the time, and changing circumstances should be taken into account!!" Geoffrey was cool too, though kind of boring at times. He didn't really have too much of a personality, really, outside of wanting to save the world. Admirable, but just not all that exciting to me. Their relationship, however, was great. It was built up nicely and the timing worked with their characters.