A review by shannonxo
The Delphi Resistance by Rysa Walker


4.5 rounded up to 5

Man, this series is good! I mean, when you look at it at face-value, it's actually somewhat slow-paced and not a lot seems to happen at times (especially in this one with them driving around in an RV an awful lot), but the writing is so damn good and engaging that you can't help but be sucked in and love every minute of it.

Again, I adore the psychic ability angle that has been weaved in. Anna, darling, how you manage to hold that many people in your head at a time I'll never know. This book built on what we learned in the first and gave us new information, new abilities and a whole new depth to the world-building. Very glad I found this series because it's been a treat so far.

A half star off because I found there to be a few sections where there was a disconnect. I'd get confused and lost about who someone was, what was going on, or how a connection was made. It didn't affect the overall read though, obviously.