A review by kairosdreaming
Battle for the Big Top: P.T. Barnum, James Bailey, John Ringling and the Death-Defying Saga of the American Circus by Les Standiford


*This book was received as an Advanced Reviewer's Copy from NetGalley.

Historical fiction can be hit or miss sometimes, even if the subject matter is especially interesting. I'm happy to say that this one is a hit for me. About the major players in the circus and the historical origination, there was enough entertainment and information here to satisfy just about anyone.

In this book, the origins of the circus are briefly explored and then the real meat of it begins; Barnum, Bailey, and the Ringling Brothers. The reader is taken through how each circus leader got their start and the many iterations, buyouts, competition, etc. each is faced with. It came as a surprise to me that ultimately, all of these shows were under the same ownership, despite having distinctive names and seemingly in 'competition' with each other. Which is not to say they weren't ever in competition, but I didn't realize how far back that actually was.

Each of the narratives is interesting, has poignant facts, and little known history about each circus. It definitely wasn't the dry history that you can sometimes get that is all fact but not engaging. I devoured this book pretty quickly as it was an enjoyable read while still being informative. And since the circus is a subject that holds many people's hearts and imaginations, it was relieving to see it covered in such an expansive way.

If you like the circus and are interested in its history, this is definitely the book for you!

Review by M. Reynard 2021