A review by bradism
Asimov's Science Fiction, November/December 2020 by Zack Be, Marissa Lingen, Paul Di Filippo, Connie Willis, Julie Nováková, Kate Maruyama, Chen Qiufan, Steven Withrow, Sam Schreiber, Erwin S. Strauss, Rick Wilber, Lora Gray, Darrell Schweitzer, Robert Silverberg, Sheila Williams, Jack McDevitt, Peter Payack, James Gunn, James Patrick Kelly, Allen M. Steele, Kevin J. Anderson, Garrison Kammer, Alaya Dawn Johnson


Best Stories:
Pull it from the Root by Zack Be
Take a Look at the Five & Ten by Connie Willis
The Long Iapetan Night by Julie Novakova

Christmas at the Hilbert Astoria by Sam Schreiber was good, and deserves a special acknowledgement for determining that a dimension-hopping, time travelling sci-fi Santa's natural nemesis would be an evil hunk of coal.