A review by dherzey
A Thousand Nights by E.K. Johnston


2.5 stars

A Thousand Nights sure have the beautiful prose and the enchanting world plus a compelling and smart heroine, but it lacks power in its plot, has a jagged pace and barely develop any character or at least, make me remember any of them.

There is little connection between the characters and the characters to the reader, and even though the female main character has the brains and the spine, she lack any personality aside from her monochromatic determination and will to do what is right. Not exactly the worst thing but not exactly as dynamic as I would have liked. The dialogue between characters are also stiff and the narration and flow of the events leave me unsatisfied as it lack proper imagery and impact. The last part is a disappointment
SpoilerI swear that battle is so short-lived
. Just a complete downhill from the build-up leading to it.

Perhaps one of this book's theme is to pay acknowledgement to the unsung and unknown females in history, and I love how it gives no name to its female characters just to make a point. That was pretty creative. That and the pretty writing cover some of the book's fault but ultimately, I just think that all the other good parts is just not enough to live up to the book's expectation.