A review by booksuperpower
A Cruise to Die for by Aaron Elkins, Charlotte Elkins


A Cruise to Die For by Aaron and Charlotte Elkins is a Thomas & Mercer publication. This book was released in Sept. 2013.
This is the second Alix London mystery.

Alix is commissioned by the FBI art division to work undercover on a fabulous yacht. An art auction is to take place on board the yacht. The FBI is onto a scam where shares are purchased in works of art. So, Alix is to lecture on the pieces up for auction and eavesdrop on conversations and so on. In the meantime, Alix is beginning to reconnect a bit at a time with her father.

The cruise is awesome. The best accommodations are luxurious, the food gourmet, the service is above and beyond. But, Alix immediately senses something is off. A painting on display being passed off as original, is most assuredly a forgery. The investigation takes on international proportions, when murder and the mafia come into the mix.
There is no shortage of motives, scams, double crosses and intrigue with the most interesting locations thrown into the background.
Not only do the authors lend a inside view of the art world and the moral issues involved, but the general attitude of the wealthy and sense of entitlement they assume. There is never a thought given to others and the burdens they place on people.
Alix learns a bit about herself as well along the way. Her own silver spoon having been yanked from her mouth, leaving her and her father living with much less than they were accustomed to. Alix still has a moral compass and knows what lines she will cross and those she won't.

Art is always an interesting topic and when crimes involving art are in the spotlight, the underbelly is exposed. In this instance it appears there is a forger so talented, he can fool even the most extensive testing. Alix gets her father involved in determining how that was accomplished.

A quick read, highly engaging, witty, with sharp dialogue. I hope this series continues for a long time.
Over all an A.