A review by librarianlizreads
The Elite by Kiera Cass


Please note that this review is written for my use as a librarian and may not appeal directly to readers. Please review at your own risk.

Accelerated Reader has this book listed as being for middle grades and up, or readers in 6th grade and up. They also have listed that this read is worth 11 AR points.

This was my least favorite of Cass’s books. I hated how bratty America came across. I also was not fond of all the back and forth that she did between Maxon and Aspen. I thought she was ignoring a lot of facts and holding onto things that were long gone. I suppose we are all fools in love, but goodness gracious did I want to smack her.

Caution Notes*:
Some violence/war scenes, sexual discussions, fictional politics

Recommended for:
Teens and possibly tweens who enjoy dystopian or princes/princesses or fairy tales.


-Do not read past this point if you would like to avoid spoilers-

This part of the story follows America through all of her difficult choices and her many mistakes. She grows closer to Maxon, finding out that she is actually his favorite among the selection. She discovers that she has feelings for him as well. However, she is still all confused and caught up in feelings for Aspen as well. Rebels continue to attack the castle during this time period and the selection members are given increasingly difficult tasks. At every turn, America finds herself making a decision that gains her disapproval from the royal family. We lose Marlee in a brutal event and America is pushed further away from Maxon. Yet, she soon learns that Marlee is actually safe and hidden in the castle. America finds herself thinking she is soon to be eliminated and wants her maids to help Kris, however she ends up getting to stay after all. America finds that she truly wants to win the Selection and she begins to plan how to fight, even if the king stands in her way.

*Caution notes are not to say, don’t read the book. I only include these so that those individuals who have particular themes they do not like to read about or are not ready for their kids to read about are aware. I do not support censoring. :)