A review by jmatkinson1
The Phantom of Rue Royale by Jean-François Parot


The Dauphin's wedding to an Austrian princess was celebrated in Paris with a firework display. But as the fireworks failed to explode, panic in the crowd has led to crush and hundreds hurt or killed. Sifting through the bodies Commissioner Le Floch comes across one which does not appear to have died by accident. This leads him to a complex tale of revenge and murder involving a Micmac indian, a family of furriers and a possessed maid.

The third outing for Nicholas Le Floch takes place several years after the last. Madame de Pompadour (the lady of Choisy) is dead and the King has a new mistress. However Nicholas and his trusted group of allies are still fighting crime in the centre of Paris. Parot has really found his stride in his tales of the french detective. The plot is complicated and yet fairly simple and there are lots of sideways diversions to keep the reader entertained.