A review by sharontherese
A Plump of Woodcocks (Venery) by Suanne Laqueur


A short and ooh-so sexy offering from the author of the Venery series, catching up with guys in all their glory was more than fulfilling. I’ll let you decide for yourselves whether my not so subtle pun is fitting. Diving into Jude, Jav, Stef and friends’ with benefits lives to find out what goes on behind closed doors aroused feelings of excitement. Not surprising since Laqueur’s words in A Plump of Woodcocks are beyond titillating. Gasps of delight and a blush or three she certainly got out of me! And I’d even go as far to say that this read bursting with steaminess not only beat the book slump, but also brought on the smiles and heartfelt sighs. Honestly, there were moments when I was really in a hot pickle.

“I love your body. I’ll never look at you and not get turned on.
“Even when I’m being a moron?”

The one-sentence blurb has to be the shortest I’ve ever read. And I totally loved it. Since there’s no room to let on, our curiosity is piqued and more often than not, we succumb to the temptation. However, before you dive in, I do recommend reading the Venery series first. Not in the mood? No worries ‘cause once you’ve had a taste of what’s what, you’ll most likely be itching to find out what all the noise is about. And believe you me, this series with all the feels is truly read-worthy.

“This isn’t a spontaneous, in the moment thing. This has a past. And a present. And a future.”

Plumb...woodcocks...the title—perfect for this series which rolls within the family saga, lacking the nailbiting sit on the edge of your seat drama I’d read in previous books. But don’t me wrong. A Scarcity of Condors was one of my fave 2019 reads. The cover. I’m not awfully keen on it but I can’t argue that it’s apt. Suanne let me have a peek into her most inner-thoughts and wowed my pants off in the process! This novella is a special treat, albeit for my liking and please don’t judge me, I could have read a lot more where this came from.

‘Take my secrets, take my treasures, take my words and my soul. Take me into your merciful heart and take everything I have.

The Spanish phrases. Spot on here! It’s my second language and if there’s one thing that irritates me more is poor translation. The author’s cool introduction, her prose and the flowing dialogue captured my attention from the word go and as her musings unfolded, showed me how the characters felt in a third-person narrative, too. To sum up, categorising A Plump Of Woodcocks as smut fiction is way off the mark. It’s just pure and utter gorgeousness. Bravo, Laqueur!