A review by melisdelicate32
My Face in the Light by Martha Schabas


Fascinatingly plotless. Schabas put something in this book because I couldn’t put it down even for a second, it left me simply breathless despite the lack of finalisation and that’s what I absolutely adored about it; nothing was happening at all and it was so comforting and insightful.
 “My face in the light” is about a young woman approaching her thirties, the typical phase where you start doubting your life decisions, the “maybe I could’ve done more or something different” state of mind, Justine wanders around in the search of full reconnaissance of her true self. We follow her through a pointless journey that depicts traumatic past and proper revaluation. 
This is not a book about a woman looking for someone or something, this a wonderfully easygoing story about a woman who’s searching for her own identity in the most banal of ways…