A review by octavia_cade
Shimmer 2018: The Collected Stories by Dee Warrick, Rebecca Campbell, Sam Rebelein


I have a story in here ("Gone to Earth") so I am clearly biased, but still. Shimmer was one of my favourite markets - such a shame it closed down! - because of the very strong aesthetic of its stories. Often magazines have a broad range of story types, but Shimmer tended to have a strong focus on prose, curating stories for lyricism as much as for plot, which was often sad and/or horrifying. My wheelhouse, in other words... the exact type of thing I like to read and like to write. So of course I'm going to enjoy this collection, which consists of all the stories they published in 2018. While there were a very few I didn't care for, most of the stories in here were excellent. Stand-outs for me included "The Imitation Sea" by Lora Gray, "Milkteeth" by Kristi DeMeester, "Streuobstwiese" by Steve Toase, and "From the Void" by Sarah Gailey.