A review by daveversace
Bluegrass Symphony by Lisa L. Hannett


Bluegrass Symphony is a collection of twelve short stories by Lisa L. Hannett, published by Ticonderoga Press. Though an Australian writer, Hannett has set her stories in unspecified parts of the US south. They are fantastic, exploring new takes on ghosts, vampires, werewolves and other things in a voice that seems (to my untrained ear) authentically Southern Gothic. These are beautiful stories, even the ugly ones - and a few of them are very dark indeed. In particular the chilling and repulsive vampires of "From the Teeth of Strange Children" touch not only on the horrific amorality of immortal blood drinkers but also the twisted sexuality of the vampire legend in ways I've not seen before.

These are all strong dark fantasy tales. Most are not as out and out horrific as "Teeth", but they all have at least a tantalising undercurrent of darkness. The standouts are probably "Down the Hollow" in which a community's grotesque fertility rite goes wrong, and the astonishing "The Short Go: a future in eight seconds", which wraps together rodeo riding, minotaur hunting, divination and marriage rites together to amazing effect. It deservedly shared the Aurealis Award for Best Short Story this year with Paul Haines' "The Past is a Bridge Best Left Burned", and that was a breathtaking piece.

I've digressed, so let me mention one more story. The collection opens with a short, dreamlike piece called "Carousel", without doubt my favourite in the book. It's one of the shorter stories, a beautiful elegaic piece about a dying girl being comforted in her final moments by moths. It's heartbreaking and funny and somewhat grotesque, and it has a lovely punchline. It sets the tone for the rest of Bluegrass Symphony wonderfully well.